欢迎您光临我的人间烟火网站! 主营:医用门病房门手术室气密门门禁系统自动门防辐射门





文章来源:我的人间烟火 发布时间:2023-05-22 15:47:17 浏览次数:0



  When we go to the hospital for medical treatment, doors may not be our concern, but medical doors are an indispensable part of the hospital. Medical doors are not just ordinary doors, they have various special functions and purposes. Below, we will provide a detailed introduction to the principles and functions of medical doors.


  Firstly, the basic function of medical doors is to provide isolation and protection. There are many infectious diseases in hospitals, such as tuberculosis and influenza, which are very easy to spread. Therefore, hospitals need to take measures to prevent the spread of diseases. Medical doors are one of the measures that can isolate wards and other areas to prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses. At the same time, medical doors can also prevent cross infection between patients and medical staff inside and outside the ward, ensuring the health of medical staff and patients.


  Secondly, medical doors can also serve as noise isolation. There is often a lot of noise in hospitals, such as the sound of medical equipment, the sound of patients breathing, etc. These noises can affect the rest of patients and the work of medical staff. Medical doors have a sound insulation effect, which can effectively reduce the spread of noise, improve the quality of patients' rest, and improve the work efficiency of medical staff.


  In addition, medical doors also have fire and smoke prevention functions. There are many flammable items and electrical equipment in hospitals, and once a fire occurs, the consequences will be unimaginable. The medical door adopts special materials and structural design, which can effectively prevent the spread of fire and smoke, and ensure the stability of the hospital interior.




案例实拍 / Case show
  • 济南某医院 济南某医院
  • 医用门应用 医用门应用
  • 河北霸州津胜医院 河北霸州津胜医院